Jess Bidgood

Jess Bidgood

Jess’ adventure in agriculture began when her husband, John and herself purchased their first piece of land. Since then, they have been on a journey of learning and discovery, which has led them to develop their vision.  

‘We manage a business that is in sync with our life’s purpose -we regenerate our soil, we connect people to the land and food production, and we produce nutrient-dense food. Our children, our own wellbeing, and each other are our focus and priority.’  

Jess has completed GrazingforProfit® twice, attended the Business Fundamentals Workshop and graduated from the RCS Next Steps and ExecutiveLink® programs. She has also hosted and completed the Natural Sequence Farming 4-day workshop, attended a Nicole Masters 2-day workshop and completed a Low Stock Stress Handling course. Jess has a background in teaching for 12 years which has led her to a love of learning and driven Jess to find as much information as she can about running a profitable business whilst improving the ecology of the land they are custodians for.  

Jess also worked for MaiaGrazing as the Support Manager for two years, giving her a great understanding of data and how to turn that into meaningful information for producers. Jess’ passion is to assist others in creating their own vision and transform the Australian landscape for generations to come.  

In addition to this role, John and Jess now run three cattle properties (own two and lease one) in Central Queensland with their three children, Lylia, Zander and Cormac. They love watching the land respond and recover under the RCS grazing management principles. Their experiences and education have given Jess a strong grasp of what is required to run a profitable business that is in line with their values whilst regenerating the land they manage.  

Jess’ specialties include:

  • Benchmarking
  • Business Analysis
  • Business Planning
  • Communication
  • Ecology
  • Grazing Management (including Grazing Charts)
  • Human Health
  • Livestock Trading
  • MaiaGrazing
  • Managing Teams (HR)
  • Organics
  • Pastures
  • Property Development and Planning
  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • Soil Carbon, Land Management Strategies
  • Soil Health
  • Strategic Planning
  • Visions and Goals
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