Andrew Dowd

Andrew Dowd

Andrew Lives in Central West NSW with wife Suzie, and has 3 children who have recently left home.  He is currently leasing a grazing farm at Borenore and also runs the family farm at Gooloogong with his Mother as well as other agistment farms nearby.  These properties are trading cattle as the main business enterprise. 

Andrew also manages off-farm hospitality businesses in Tamworth, Lightning Ridge and Cobar. 

Andrew graduated from GrazingforProfit® (GFP) with his brother 25 years ago and completed the school again with his son in 2021.  He is an RCS GraduateLink (now Next Steps coaching) graduate from 2002 and is a graduate of the KLR Marketing School and uses these Principles when trading cattle. Andrew has completed a number of other courses such as Succession Planning, Low Stress Stockhandling, Landmark and Allan Parker programs to develop his personal, financial and enterprise skills that drive him to succeed in his various businesses. 

Andrew was raised on a mixed farm at Koorawatha and Gooloogong in the Cowra district and has been a sheep buyer around Gosford and Wagga Wagga. Andrew’s experiences also include a Landcare Coordinator at Cowra, RCS Facilitator and GraduateLink Coach, DPI Bushfire Recovery Officer and Farmer along the way. 

Andrew is passionate about improving soils and therefore grass production and profit.  He uses the principles taught in the GFP schools to achieve these goals. 

Andrew is also passionate about helping others to achieve their personal and family goals. 

Andrew’s specialties include:

  • Benchmarking
  • Business Analysis
  • Business Planning
  • Communication
  • Grazing Management (including Grazing Charts)
  • Livestock Trading
  • Pastures
  • Property Development and Planning
  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • Soil Health
  • Strategic Planning
  • Succession and Continuity Planning
  • Visions and Goals
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