Dom Walker

Advisor Bio: Dom Walker – Leading the Way in Agribusiness Excellence

Dom Walker is a seasoned advisor at RCS, dedicated to empowering individuals and communities to realise their agricultural aspirations and enhance both profitability and the environment. With a strong commitment to agribusiness, Dom’s journey is marked by a series of accomplishments and contributions that have added to the landscape of sustainable agriculture.

Hailing from the picturesque high country of Victoria, Dom Walker, along with his family, manages a thriving small beef herd nestled in the foothills of Mt. Buffalo. Their farm serves as a testament to Dom’s unwavering passion for soil health and carbon sequestration. Here, they not only produce top-quality beef but also work diligently to enhance the ecological balance and functionality of their surroundings.

Dom’s academic credentials are truly impressive, boasting two master’s degrees, one in Agriculture Science and another in Food Systems. His scholarly pursuits have taken him across Australia and Latin America, where his research has concentrated on breaking down the barriers to soil health improvement on a global scale. Prior to returning to his homeland, Dom embarked on an inspiring journey, collaborating with farming families in Guatemala, Honduras, Peru, Colombia, and Timor-Leste, primarily within the coffee and horticulture sectors.

In recent years, Dom has made significant strides in revolutionising supply chains to favour regenerative practices while successfully raising capital for innovative agribusiness projects in Australia. He ardently believes in the potential of capital to drive substantial change within the food system, and his efforts have begun to reshape the industry.

While Dom’s advisory work extends to boardrooms and strategy sessions, he remains deeply connected to the roots of agriculture. His expertise as a soil scientist is exemplified by his commitment to the field, constantly seeking ways to harness the biological forces that boost production, reduce costs, and elevate the quality of food. Currently, Dom’s focal points include pioneering soil carbon sequestration methods and integrating systems thinking into farm business operations.

In the realm of agribusiness, Dom Walker stands as an example of dedication, hard work and excellence, leading the charge toward a more sustainable and prosperous future for agriculture and our planet. His unwavering commitment to soil health, ecological harmony, and strategic innovation sets the bar high for all aspiring agribusiness leaders.

  • Ecology: Dom’s profound understanding of ecosystems ensures that his agricultural practices harmonise seamlessly with nature.
  • Soil Health: With a deep passion for soil, Dom employs cutting-edge techniques to rejuvenate and sustain this precious resource.
  • Business Strategy and Planning: His strategic acumen helps agribusinesses thrive in a rapidly changing landscape.
  • Grazing Management: Dom’s expertise in this critical area optimises livestock production while nurturing the land.
  • Holistic Management: He embraces a comprehensive approach that considers all aspects of agriculture, from economics to environmental stewardship.
  • Direct Marketing (Paddock-to-Plate): Dom’s innovative thinking transforms the way agricultural products reach consumers.
  • Soil Carbon & Carbon Markets: Dom is at the forefront of carbon sequestration strategies, helping pave the way for sustainable, profitable farming practices.
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