Unearth the possibilities. Join the Sugarcane Practice Change Program.

By joining our program, you’ll be one of 10 Central Queensland Sugar Region producers that benefit from evidence based practice change with concrete results. 

Are you concerned about the long-term sustainability of your sugarcane business?

Are you frustrated by rising input costs and the squeeze on your profits?

The Sugarcane Practice Change Program offers sugarcane producers in Central Queensland a proven path to increased profitability, reduced environmental impact, and a more resilient sugarcane business.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • Maximise income potential: Together, we’ll identify opportunities to increase yields, streamline operations, and achieve higher gross margins for your sugarcane enterprise.
  • Grow More Sugarcane: Our holistic approach optimises plant health leading to yield increases with lower inputs
  • Farm for the Future: Increased fertiliser efficiency reduces run off into waterways. Enhance soil health, reduce DIN loads, and embrace sustainable practices that secure your farm’s legacy.
  • Unmatched Expertise: Benefit from personalised coaching by RCS and targeted on-ground agronomy support from Farmacist.
  • Community of Innovators: Learn from and collaborate with other forward-thinking sugarcane farmers in the region.

This is your chance to:

  • Gain a competitive edge in the sugarcane industry
  • Position your farm as a leader in environmental stewardship
  • Secure a more profitable future for your family and business

We’re seeking 10 dedicated sugarcane farmers from the milling regions between Plane Creek and Proserpine to join this groundbreaking project. Contact me today on 1800 356 004.

ALERT! Like to know more? Get the answers. Join our free one hour webinar Monday 13/05/2024, 5:30 PM AEST. Register Here. 

Trevor Crook | General Manager

Trevor Crook MBA. General Manager RCS Australia.

The Future of Sugarcane: Sustainable and Profitable

In this short video, RCS General Manager Trevor Crook details the benefits in joining the program. This isn’t just about changing practices; it’s about transforming your entire approach to farming. We focus on maximising profits, not just yield, and building a sustainable future for your business.

Here’s a breakdown of key deliverables as part of the program.

Terry McCosker | RCS Founder 

  • Improved yields: Achieve yield increases via increased photosynthetic efficiency.
  • Increased profitability: Shift from focusing on yield to profitability, helping farmers like you achieve greater financial returns.
  • Reduced input costs: Sap analysis and other innovative techniques promise reductions in fertiliser use, offering cost savings.
  • Environmental Benefits: Ecological management aligns with the growing demand in sustainable farming practices and improved Reef water quality. By embracing these methods, we safeguard our environment for future generations, leaving a legacy of responsible stewardship over your farm and a thriving community.
  • Expert Support: Receive tailored guidance, from RCS coaching to on-the-ground advice from Farmacist agronomists.

The Sugarcane Practice Change Program is funded through the Queensland Government’s Queensland Reef Water Quality Program.

Express your Interest

Complete the form below and one of our team will be in contact to answer any questions. Alternatively, you can free call us on 1800 356 004.

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